Yahon Co., Ltd
  • Tiếng Việt
  • American

What is Organic Cotton?

Organic cotton is cotton that is grown and produced in a natural form, without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers.

The land used to grow cotton is also no pesticides or chemical fertilizers used for 3 years.

Organic cotton is harvested, steamed, and dried at high temperatures to ensure cleanliness, eliminate aerobic bacteria, mold... Then put through a spreading machine system to make cotton. The next cotton is brought to be pressed flat, then cut into pieces, for packaging.

Organic cotton in color will not be pure white, but will have the original ivory white color of cotton, will have black and black dots.

Cotton is very suitable for sensitive skin or mothers breastfeeding period.

Refer to Puffme Organic makeup remover cotton here. Puffme Organic Vietnam